Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mobile Post

So, I am just doing a mobile post telling you all that I am back into my normal routine. The busy times are over and the easy-going times are ahead.

~ Josh

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Voice to Text

So, a while back I purchased this microphone that will change your voice to text. I'm using it right now and I have not touched the keyboard once!

Well maybe a little bit just to edit this.

~ Josh

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good / Bad News

Alright, fans, disregard my last post. I have some good / bad news that I want to share with you.

Good news: I'm about to break 1000 views on a YouTube video for the first time in my life. (

Bad news: my family and I are all coming down with the whooping cough. And, for that reason, my busy week is no longer busy. Heck, if I get sick, I will most definitely be sick during my 16th birthday party.

So, I'm going to be here. So no worries.

~ Josh

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Fans, I am going to apologize in advance for not being able to post for a few weeks. I am going to be SO busy until December. So, if you still want to hear from me, follow me on Twitter (

~ Josh

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is Coming

If you are here, you are probably wondering why this is a "blank" blog. Guess what? Today is your lucky day; I am going to be here to explain to you "why" this is a "blank" blog.

In the future, reader, I am going to use this blog to inform my fans/readers/friends on my latest progress in regards to my novel, Heir, which is coming soon. Or, my YouTube account. Or, something more important. Also, I plan to post all of my "thoughtful" and "rebutting" posts here. They will be agreeing-- or most likely-- disagreeing with what I see in the world.

My posts should vary, reader. However, thanks for being here. I hope you continue to read. Oh, and, don't forget to "follow" my blog. :P

~ Josh