Monday, April 12, 2010

iBooks: Why They Will Take Off

When I first head about iBooks in January, I was very skeptical about whether or not they would 'take off' and be a new great hit just like the App store. I predicted, when talking to one of my siblings, that, "iBooks will never take off, you can only read them on your iPad, and if you sell your iPad, what then?"

Then I watched the iPhone 4.0 event.

In one single hour, iBooks became the biggest new thing. When Steve announced that iBooks would be for iPhone and iPod Touch, I knew that they would 'take off'.

He reached out to the millions of iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad users. Now everyone can partake in the amazing iBook experience! They WILL be the next big thing. And now, readers, I will begin to save for my iPad.


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